Hello again Melancholy Fans!
Where do I begin? Thousands of listens, newspaper features and hundreds of subscribers across multiple platforms; all of this from just six episodes. Wow!
It would be difficult for me to ignore the resonance of this work when it impacted so many people. Bringing value was my whole purpose in doing these episodes and exploring these ideas. The appeal has reassured me over the last few months as I’ve started to strategise over the works next phase. I feel passionate that Melancholy Man should continue under the idea of “Not for Profit. For People”. What I mean when I say that is, it should be designed and orchestrated in a way to help people directly. The idea can mean meetup groups, videos, events or a plethora of other avenues. Who knows where it may take me? But I feel the important thing is to promote the idea of alternative thinking and wellness through science and exploration.
As always, feedback is welcome, hit me up on my new email at [email protected].