melancholy man

Melancholy Man #5 - Healthy body and mind through sleep

#5 – Healthy body and mind through sleep

In this episode we explore the impacts of sleep on the mind and body. I aim to help people with the context of science, understand what happens to their bodies through sleep deprivation and how it will impact your mental wellbeing. REFERENCES Harvard Uni

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Melancholy Man #4 - Your Superpower

#4 – Your Superpower

In this episode we explore what it means to unlock your inner superpower. Focused around mindfulness and meditation, I aim to bring both motivational and scientific support to my listeners, in an effort to help realise the benefits of this technique. REC

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Melancholy Man #3 Illusion of Self

#3 – Illusion of Self

In this episode we explore some of the work by Mo Gawdat in his latest book, “Solve for happy”. I break down some traditional ideas of what it really means to be YOU, in hope that you realise your ability to change and grow as a person. REFER

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Melancholy Man #1 - Systems of Thought

#1 – Systems of Thought

Thinking Fast and Slow, if i were to surmise its essence, would be about the two states of your mind. He refers to these states as systems. System 1 being your almost reactionary / auto pilot state, and System 2 being your more conscious and deliberate

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