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What to expect?

So, what can you expect from the upcoming episodes in Melancholy Man? The truth is, I want you to decide. For my first upcoming episodes,

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Melancholy Man #6 - Motivation

#6 – Motivation

I explore the science of motivation in my final episode in the series of Melancholy Man’s knowledge bullet podcast. I can’t thank you enough for all of your support. Please let me know if any of the content has helped in any way. REFERENCES F

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Melancholy Man #4 - Your Superpower

#4 – Your Superpower

In this episode we explore what it means to unlock your inner superpower. Focused around mindfulness and meditation, I aim to bring both motivational and scientific support to my listeners, in an effort to help realise the benefits of this technique. REC

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Melancholy Man #3 Illusion of Self

#3 – Illusion of Self

In this episode we explore some of the work by Mo Gawdat in his latest book, “Solve for happy”. I break down some traditional ideas of what it really means to be YOU, in hope that you realise your ability to change and grow as a person. REFER

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